Lubavitch Perspective
The values which are promoted at LSGS are based on Orthodox Jewish teaching, expressed in the Torah, and particularly as expounded by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (the Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1902-1994), who sought to demonstrate the relevance of Torah to our modern age.
These values closely coincide with fundamental British Values.
Proper Torah education acknowledges that Judaism should not be lived in a vacuum. The Torah and its Commandments are for the real world, and are to be practised in the real world. Indeed, Torah is fulfilled in the best way when it informs one’s interaction with the world and with all of its inhabitants.
Hence the Jewish Studies section of the school curriculum supports and enhances the General (secular) studies, and vice-versa.
An important aspect of Jewish teaching concerns ‘Middos’, which can be translated as ethics and values. Middos education permeates the life of the school, and fully supports, and is supported by, the promotion of Fundamental British Values.
MAT Statement
The Lubavitch MAT exists to provide an excellent, all round education permeated with the ethos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Its mission statement is to raise students with fine character traits and intelligence, imbued with the love of G-d, of Torah and of one's fellow person, who will grow and make a great contribution to society.
SGS Kodesh vision statement
The Jewish life, education and teaching in the Lubavitch Senior Girls’ School are all vibrant, motivating and inspiring. The unique Lubavitch ethos is taught and caught; taught with insights from Sichos and Maamarim which enhance the basic Kodesh curriculum and provide a tremendous depth of Jewish thought and philosophy; caught through the vibrant extra-curricular activities both within and outside school. The focus of the curriculum is to educate Jewish girls in order that they adopt the teachings in their own lives with plenty of opportunity for further challenge and exploration for those who desire to investigate further.
Values and Ethos at LSGS
Lubavitch Senior Girls' School aims to inspire its pupils to become true and responsible representatives of Torah Judaism and Chabad Chassidism as expounded in the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of blessed memory.
The school aims to cultivate and develop:
Joy, Knowledge and Action, expressing Love of G-d, love of Torah and love of one’s fellow
A sense of positivity and confidence which are the hallmark of the Chabad ethos
Willingness to accept leadership roles in the Jewish community and beyond
Students who are benefitting from ambitious and exciting educational programmes in Kodesh studies
And who are gaining academic skills enabling each student to develop her gifts and talents to her highest abilities, and to be able to pursue a career of her choice
All the above within the framework of the traditional values of modesty, loyalty, generosity, politeness, frumkeit (piety) and always with love of one’s fellow
LSGS promotes British values of democracy, rule of law, liberty, tolerance and mutual respect as well as preparing our young women for life in modern Britain.
The school encourages pupils to further their education in Seminary and further education, to enhance their moral and spiritual status, and to be able to make a meaningful contribution to society at large.
In the curriculum
Lubavitch Senior Girls’ School approaches the promotion of Fundamental British Values in line with the Government’s PREVENT theme of the anti-terrorist strategy CONTEST. These British Values are democracy; individual liberty; the rule of law; mutual respect; tolerance of those with different faiths and belief. Each is defined below and placed in a school context with examples. It is, without question, everyone’s duty to ensure they do not undermine these fundamental British values as detailed in the current Teacher Standards Part Two: Personal and Professional Conduct.

Democracy can be seen as a state of society characterised by equality of rights and privileges. It can also refer to our nation’s electoral systems.
In school, we promote the importance of democracy through such things as:
· Mock elections
· The free and fair electoral process for student positions of responsibility.
· Students being encouraged to consider alternative pathways in lessons.
· Student Voice on key school decisions through processes including online whole school surveying.
· Students also elect peers to represent them.
individual liberty
Individual liberty suggests the free exercise of rights generally seen as outside Government control.
· In school we promote the importance of individual liberty through such things as:
· The increasing liberty afforded to students as they move up through the years.
· Students allowed to leave the site at certain times, some groups taught off-site.
· The profusion of extra-curricular activities and clubs, including extended studies.
· Students encouraged to voice views in lessons in a formative manner.
· Students offered autonomy over choices regarding academic pathways.
· Elements of choice in the school canteen within healthy boundaries.
· Elements of choice within the lesson eg Drawing answers, presenting answers in a different format to rest of the class
rule of law
All people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced.
In school we promote the importance of the rule of law through such things as:
· There is a shared classroom code of practice.
· Marking and feedback, as well as homework and bullying and behaviour policies set clear boundaries, which are explained clearly, to students.
· Accountability is stressed to all stakeholders including staff [teacher’s Standards], students [Student Code of Conduct], and Trustees.
Mutual Respect
The proper regard for an individual’s dignity, which is reciprocated.
In school, we promote the importance of mutual respect through such things as:
· Core routines
Teachers are expected to speak with respect to students.
· School ethos statement
· Clear guidance on good behaviour in areas such as the round and about the school and outside of school.
· The publishing and enforcement of a smart dress code for students and staff [uniform]
· Wellbeing promotes mutual respect through the skills developed in sessions/ assemblies and the repetition of related content across schemes of work.
· Confidentiality in all email correspondence in reference to pupils
tolerance of those with different beliefs
A fair, objective, and inclusive attitude to those whose faith and beliefs may differ from one’s own.
In school we promote the importance of tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through such things as:
· Observance of all Jewish Holy days and celebrations and National Remembrance Days, because having a faith oneself encourage tolerance for others
· Respect and understanding for all those of a different faith or no faith